Hi. I'm Crepyboom the Gamer, real name Tyler. I'm a YouTuber with almost 100 Subscribers. I mostly make short videos to try and make people online laugh. I've also dabbled in other types of content, but haven't really made much of note.
I made this website partially because I think it's a neat novelty to have in 2023, a time where social media has made blogging somewhat irrelevant, but also because I think that a blog will allow me to post about a variety of things that wouldn't really fit on my YouTube Channel. Most of the content of my channel is silly videos, so my life and opinions on things rarely get featured.

My Intrests

I play a lot of video games. I imagine that is pretty obvious given the username. I mostly play on my PC, but I also have a Wii U, Wii, 3DS, and an aftermarket console which can play NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance. So I have access to every Nintendo console besides Switch and N64. I will probably buy those two consoles at some point. As of late, I've also been playing a lot of the PlayStation 1, 2, and 4, but I would love to get the PS3. Would be based.


My favorite video games

I'm also a big fan of the musical group SiIvaGunner , which makes remixes of video game music that often include humorous elements, either by making a mashup of the song with another track, or by altering the video game song's melody to be that of another track. It's difficult to explain exactly what these guys do, but they do it well. I could go on at length about how cool this channel is, but I think their 25 minute mashup of the main theme of Tetris on the Commodore 64 and Harlem Shake by Baauer says more than enough. It's obviously not something everyone will appreciate given the amount of background knowledge of both video game music and internet memes needed to appreciate some tracks, but there is a reason that ~60% of my music playlist is taken up by this group's tracks.

Thanks for visiting my website.